About The Artist!

Hi! I'm Chanté (Shawn-tay). My background is in acrylic and oil painting. My creativity and passion go hand in hand. i tend to find inspiration everywhere (really cliché) but people and nature are often the recurring subject matter of my art.
Primarily, I work as an independent artist. I am a fine artist/visual artist based in Brooklyn, New York, however, I was born in Trinidad and Tobago. Creating art is something that I have enjoyed ever since I was younger. Currently, I am working towards becoming an art teacher, as that that is where my love of art stemmed from. Teaching is an excellent way for children to make choices and solve problems because healthy expression can help us to better regulate our emotions.
With art, I am allowed to express my innermost feelings and emotions in ways that words or even thoughts could not. It is a way for me to escape without even leaving home.
I strongly feel that art is therapy and the world we live in today just would not be to same without it.